Systems Thinking:

Resolve Inner Friction, Master Outer Challenges

Practices to conjure up a magical world of inspired action

Josh Race, MFA | Author, Coach, Trainer

"I always feel lighter and more ready for action."

"Josh has a wonderful gift of combining astute observation with gentle yet direct inquiry to help you understand what the issue beneath the issue is"

- Tara M

ADHD Parent Coach

"Meaningful personal development."

"Josh's influence has been transformative, guiding me towards a life that is not only more fulfilling but also imbued with a sense of purpose and joy."

- Matthew

CEO Weekends, Inc

"A profound and positive influence."

"I've gained strength and belief that any challenge can be overcome with the right perspective. Professionally, I'm now more assertive and respected at work."

- Ola M

UX/UI Designer

Please Read The Following...


Joshua Buckminster Race

Saint Augustine, Florida

Friday, 5:27 pm

Dear Friend

I consider you a "friend"if you are willing to surrender to growth and learning.

I also consider you a friend if you can thoroughly enjoy an episode of Brooklyn 99.

If this is not you, no problem, I salute you for stopping by. It's just not going to work out between us.

Otherwise, let's get started...

This website is going to have a surprising impact on your life.

Here's why: My mission is to slow down your experience of reality and strengthen the intuitive intelligence in your brain, heart, and gut. Together we are creators, innovators, and advocates for our incredible human future.

I'm going to help you create space for specific practices, like savoring your work, restoring self compassion, and innovating like you could never imagine. All of this requires taking up ANALOG PRACTICES.

If this interests you, then I'd like you to join me. I will be writing to you on a regular basis.

I'll be sharing with you my latest research, and my personal encounters with thinking deeply, vulnerability, and the very best lessons in meditation, thinking systems, and communication.

If you would like to join my email list then you have to apply. I don't let in casual skimmers and Ai grifter agents.

Your Application will be reviewed within 48 hours. Please submit below.

Warm Regards,

And always remember,

Keep your eye on the ball, my friend.

Joshi Buckminster Race signature

Joshua Buckminster Race

Bringing you Systems Models & Practices for everyday life.

Apply to Join

By joining my list, I will send you emails on a regular basis. I write emails that entertain and inspire... to encourage you to practice centering, grounding, stillness, all for the sake of self knowledge, fulfilling work, relationships, and wellbeing.

Man On A Mission

To develop philosophical research and experiential programs that enable communities to rediscover analog practices for intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development.


+1 (727) 513-1882

7901 4th ST N, STE 300, ST Petersburg, FL 33702


Copyright 2025. Josh Race LLC. All Rights Reserved.